Sahuc's beautiful prints capture timeless images of the city.
In 2008, the lighthouse was replaced with what the university describes as an 'abstract, timeless image' of water lillies.
Silhouetted against the trees, it was a timeless image, the white columns along the porch lending the home an almost opulent air.
The artistic vision involved the transformation of ordinary life into a timeless image "so purged of visual rhetoric and transcendental messages that it demanded attention."
The company broadened its line without radically altering its timeless image.
A French civil engineer with the technical skills of a scientist and the eye of a poet, Teynard in the 1850's produced powerfully minimalist, timeless images of ancient Egypt's architectural wonders.
His immense cultural knowledge enabled him to draw on the past to create modern yet timeless images.
The most popular methods are, of course, the platform lean and the long tunnel stare, timeless images of urban despair.
It is a timeless image of tranquillity; one that has travelled around the world and is recognised by all who hear it.
Many questions about this timeless image remain unanswered in terms of where or whom it came from before the mid 19th Century, which is not actually unusual for dugento and trecento paintings.