It's a timeless, well-groomed, smooth style - in some circles, the "Greenwich look" - that high humidity won't wilt.
H&M said the collection reflected Madonna's "timeless, unique and always glamorous style."
The aim of the company is to "Design and produce the highest quality footwear, in timeless classic styles, for the entire family".
Find out how to steal her trendy but timeless style simply by avoiding a few common fashion flubs on this episode of "The Thread."
If you're tying the knot at a registry office, this timeless style is ideal.
"Half of the 18 bedrooms have been refurbished in timeless, elegant style with spanking new bathrooms"
In the years since, the brand has grown to represent the best in timeless style and unbeatable performance.
But the true test of Frank's timeless style was placing it in a formal setting, Ms. Linde said.
Perhaps this has something to do with the desire for timeless style that is wafting into fashion this spring.
Their shoes have timeless style.