I don't think he quite understands the full necessity of clear and timely communication.
Newsletters and other timely communications on critical transportation issues.
From the beginning, he emphasized a culture of customer focus and timely communication with management and employees.
Perhaps something truly dreadful will happen unless timely telephonic communication averts it.
That case was hardly a model of timely communication of health threats to the public.
"We have made an exception today in the interest of clear and timely communication," Mr. Isdell said.
MBDA maintains a positive relations with public audiences through accurate and timely external communications.
Eurojust gives advice in these cases but also can play a practical role by promoting timely communication between the judicial authorities involved.
Honest and timely communication with one another is important for a healthy officer group.
I commit to honest and timely communication with all involved in and associated with Phi Lamb.