He would have probably fled the country by now, thanking his god for his timely escape.
In order to make a timely escape, Dulcamara tells Nemorino the potion will not take effect until the next day.
"A lucky and timely escape!"
It was known as Operation TRIO by the Germans, and again ended with a timely Partisan escape.
Getting the skinny on the folks with the clipboards is your key to a new home (or a timely escape from an old one).
With a flash of insight, she imagined Guy's jilted fiancée had received a timely escape.
Your retreat from Philadelphia, was only a timely escape, and your next expedition may be less fortunate.
It's much more likely to be a bitter cul de sac in which the best defense is a timely escape.
Another creative thinker on the subject of timely escape is Kevin R. Stone, a California orthopedic surgeon and inventor.