Even then she was famous, and a woman, seeing the poet for the first time, timidly approached her.
Knowing how strongly we had adhered to our laid-back philosophy, I timidly approached my husband.
Yls-hadra approached timidly and began to examine the contents of the saddlebags.
Three other women timidly approached the door.
Then a new, less-powerful strain of Talent arrived at that moment, approaching timidly but certain of what must be done.
Then an awkward young girl timidly approached the microphone and asked in a soft voice, "Was it difficult for you growing up?"
She timidly approached an Italian selling peanuts on the street.
The girl approached timidly, her face and bosom poised for a scream at the first sign of trouble.
They approached timidly, stopping often and looking first this way and then that and always listening.
As he emerged from the river uncomfortably wet, he saw a man timidly approaching him.