In the circumstances a quiet, timorous man might be only too glad to lurk peaceably in the shadows, and let the legate bear the heat of the sun.
For the benefit of the timorous and the devoted family men, he again painted a picture of the suffering, death and destruction that might result from their well-meant reliance on the unproved and highly questionable predictions of Destry's mathematics.
A page of history torn forever from the books by timorous men.
Charles-Marie was his name, and he had begun life as a baker's assistant-a weak, anaemic-looking youth, who had been sent out of the Army because he was no use as a fighting man, so timorous and slow-witted was he.
He did what any timorous man in a panic would do, ran away and hid himself within the community, where he was known and respected, and no one would ever guess he had attempted such a deed.
A more timorous man than the sailor would have shrunk back a little from setting out on such a dark, raining night on an errand so full of danger, across vast unknown wilds.
Alberico is a timorous man spun neck-deep in his own webs, all of which lead back to the Emperor's Tiara.
Father Hagan was not a timorous man, but living over a graveyard had to have some effect.
To do him justice, he was not a timorous man.
I do not know why I happened upon so many timorous men.