On its walls hung tinted photographs of Mr. Anderson's wife, daughters and spaniels, interspersed with gold-framed testimonials awarded to his other love, the Sevenoaks Choral Society.
The only view was of the piers and their buildings, the peaked roofs blanketed in snow, their blue paint offering subtle daubs of color, like highlights in a tinted photograph.
Mr. Taylor suggests that a tinted photograph is just that: tinted.
On a table rested an upright frame of tinted photographs, all of a young man in uniform.
On the wall there was a huge tinted photograph of an elderly party with a chiselled beak and whiskers and a wing collar.
The EP cover art is a tinted photograph of inventor Nikola Tesla sitting in the Colorado Springs experimental station with his "Magnifying Transmitter".
It was taken in the early 1900s, but we are assured that it is not a tinted photograph, but a true colour print.
Mr. Buchanan's tinted black and white photographs show old toys from a time when "our bicycles became police cars and fire trucks, and we had to use our imaginations," he said.
He introduced the Sennotype process, for producing superior tinted photographs, to South Australia.
On the wall behind the eight-foot-long desk in his main office, he kept a tinted photograph of himself as a 7-year-old, standing by an ox cart in front of an unpainted cabin.