Outside the door, Helene saw them pursue the fugitive through a tiny alleyway that led to the rear street.
Through the rear of the passage; down a tiny alleyway; then across a side street.
Among the tiny alleyways are markets, coffee shops and more than a 100 shrines.
The building has a tiny alleyway, she added.
In terrible pain, he forced the car into a tiny alleyway, clicked off the lights and waited while a police car sped past.
In the darkness of a tiny alleyway they stopped.
One of the latter was negotiating with two of the former in the mouth of a tiny, darkened alleyway.
He found what he expected: a tiny alleyway that led to the rear.
Opposite a wall of boldly drawn graffiti in the tiny alleyway was her sleek, modern art gallery.
The houses grew into each other and formed a maze of tiny alleyways that surrounded the simple church, no bigger than a storehouse.