It did so while attracting a tiny audience that is at best just over 200,000 viewers.
National Journal, with a circulation of 7,000 and an annual subscription price of $1,047, has a tiny audience.
The story involves tiny audiences, lowdown venues and police raids.
The tiny imaginary audience inside his head did not exist; no one watches our life movies.
Now I glanced at my tiny audience with new suspicion.
And nothing has changed in 20 years; it's still a very tiny, elite audience.
Another factor behind Sonam's decision to forgo advertising may be the tiny projected audience.
There is no better reason that the little satiric Web sites have a value way out of proportion to their relatively tiny audiences.
But the Steins' impact was on the tiny audience that then existed for contemporary art - largely their family and friends.
Everyone got a laugh on each laugh line, even though the tiny audience had heard it dozens of times.