He did not have to look too far for the tiny bulges in the stems, but there was no great buzzing of bees.
They were light-weight eyeglasses with a tiny bulge of circuitry in each earpiece.
Stop at each tiny bulge where the sections joined and use the millimetre of extra support to get some breath and measure the next lap.
It would be taken as swiftly . . ." Daniel turned up the collar of his shirt, revealing a tiny bulge in the cloth.
He pointed at the tiny bulge where the silver ball lay against her skin, and again she seemed to feel something shift strangely inside.
Then he realized that a tiny bulge was creeping along the hairline as he tracked the microscope.
I become aware of hands -huge flappers with tiny bulges on long branches.
Tor's reply to Ahroe was to reach out to the hem of her tunic and feel the material until he noticed a tiny bulge.
"Mmm," he said, kissing the tiny bulge.
But the strangest part was its fur, all glistening, with tiny bulges that moved all over the place, like it was infested with parasites or something.