There are tiny cavities spread unevenly through the cheese.
In one panel was a tiny cavity, much like a keyhole.
At the base was a compar- atively dense and more yellow-appearing tissue beating tiny but visible cavities.
The scientists filled a tiny cavity between the opposing tips of two diamonds with a small amount of carbon dioxide.
In this case, the techniques are used to make scores of tiny cavities that become minuscule containers for the sensing materials.
In other areas, the legions of tiny cavities were far enough apart that they did not meet, giving the metal a solid look at conventional magnifications.
A moon-sized object had smacked into the ship, creating a deep blast cone as well as a necklace of tiny, relatively trivial cavities.
Or an ant that lives in tiny cavities in the trees, M. schumanni, might do the work.
In a tiny cavity in her great body she was assembling the materials for a Green Beret.
The sound wave opens a tiny cavity in the liquid, he says, and the cavity begins oscillating in resonance with the sound.