In the late evening, sitting on her bedroll, with Alcaren beside her, Secca looked into the embers in the hearth of the tiny cot.
White hair neatly combed as if she always rose just after midnight, Master Spieth laid a thin blanket across the second tiny cot in a broad, white-walled room.
She stood in the dim light, gazing down at two tiny warming cots, then bent and kissed each child, heart aching.
Down at the nurse's office, Christopher Romero, a third grader dressed in faded jeans and a Boston Celtics sweatshirt, lay stiffly on a tiny cot.
His path was leading toward the tiny cot off in the woods.
Four walls, ceiling, floor, a tiny cot, a toilet.
And then Ellie, maybe hot and restless on her tiny cot, innocently barreling on toward the day her little life would change again.
She shrugged and thought of her tiny cot in Nanosh's wagon.
Lwaxana gazed at Barin, lying too quiescent on his tiny cot.
She lay back on her tiny, uncomfortable cot, desperate for a cigarette.