This here's Brother Slug," the gardener would tell him, "and this tiny little critter is Sister Potato Weevil.
From the trees all around came the sound of the woodsfairies, tiny critters mating and hoarding.
Bring ponchos for everyone, sunglasses and sunscreen, and insect repellent to keep the tiny critters from spoiling your vacation.
Mice may be tiny critters, terrified of light and ready to run very quickly at the slightest provocation.
Don't crank up the humidifier higher than that, though, or you could develop another problem - mold, fungi, dust mites, and other tiny critters.
Sear: A bleak desert dimension inhabited by tiny soil-dwelling critters.
Book dust harbors dust mites, mold spores, and tiny critters called booklice, shown in this slide.
The tiny critters indiscriminately infest families of all socio-economic backgrounds and would just as soon take up residence in clean hair as in dirty hair.
Reluctant to kill the tiny critter, she refuses to live with it.
Not unless you want a tiny wormlike critter to swim up your uretha and lay eggs in your bladder.