And on each individual cigarette, where the brand name usually goes, is a tiny drawing of an elephant.
Before starting on the main canvas Roberts "made tiny drawings and an oil sketch of how he wanted the scene to look."
There were detailed, incredibly tiny drawings of the pertinent markers beside each water-glyph.
Her solution was to make tiny drawings of plants during the day and at night to transform them into designs for large-scale projects.
They bore the same tiny drawing she had seen in the "magazine" of an Egyptian woman's head.
The text is handwritten in beautiful old-fashioned calligraphy, and next to them are tiny, perfect black-and-white drawings.
Here was a table and on it were several pages of parchment covered with tiny drawings.
He pointed out the tiny, perfect drawing, and I took the map and tilted it to get a better light.
The Leonardo manuscript, although it includes tiny drawings in the margins, is of relatively minor historical importance.
My blueprints showed tiny drawings of identical sconces hanging on adjacent walls.