Behind it, the skin round the lips was an inflamed red and there were tiny filaments of white fibre.
She lays several tiny filaments across an acrylic eye that has been moistened by varnish.
Adams lay, threaded to the diagnostic bed by a hundred tiny filaments.
These tiny filaments provide a network for cells to travel upon to soak up nutrients from the surrounding environment.
Others depict odd, apparently senseless machines, often with a delicate appearance, kept together by tiny filaments.
It was like watching a microscopic light show as energy impulses rippled and flashed through the tiny filaments.
It had tiny filaments twisted around the cortex.
The prolongation has six tiny filaments at the tip and no lateral serrations.
These shelves are made up of many tiny tubular filaments (hyphae).
It was a brush of tiny filaments, now drawn to a ghostly point and slick with fluids from Slade's neck.