As they approached, the suspects, who turned out to be three boys in baseball caps, sheepishly turned over the evidence - a pack and a half of tiny striped firecrackers.
A billion tiny firecrackers erupted across the heavy-duty shielding.
The whole panicle suggests tiny firecrackers exploding in a sudden blaze of palest pink.
There was a small explosive sound, like the pop of a tiny firecracker.
The words exploded like tiny firecrackers in her mind.
The pie struck the goblin on the chest, and the popcorn popped like a series of tiny firecrackers.
A couple of the flea rounds jumped out of the shattered carriage and leapt around like tiny firecrackers on the karst surface for a few seconds, then they detonated.
Eddie twisted his back, producing a series of pops like a string of tiny firecrackers.
And his final showdown with his father has the effect of a tiny firecracker.
Ms. Perez, a tiny firecracker of an actress, avoids the cuteness in Gloria's eccentricities and turns her "Jeopardy" break into an epiphany the whole audience can share.