In the mud outside Eleanor's house, they found tiny footprints.
One of the first things you notice about Acorn is its tiny footprint.
The design's elegance derives partly from its tiny footprint.
Lothar called in his outriders and they followed up the trail of tiny childlike footprints.
Halfway there, he paused and then stooped over the tiny footprint in the dust.
He imagined nanotechs with legs, running from one nerve ending to the next, leaving tiny footprints on the back of his retina.
They moved the lamplight toward the white earth and the tiny footprints going off, across the softness, toward the dark forest.
When they settled, there were tiny purple three-toed footprints on the bedside table.
Shining the flashlight down, spotted what looked like a tiny footprint.
Even this "tiny" footprint will impact an enormous number of people.