Both are controlled through the tiny gland at the base of the brain called the pituitary.
Each tiny, spherical gland corresponds to one of the grapes and contains a cavity lined with cells which manufacture the milk.
Each tiny gland is equipped with a tiny duct.
Only then would the tiny glands adjacent to her amygdala release their reservoirs of pseudocatecholamines.
Much less common, failure of the tiny glands on top of the kidneys - the adrenals - could cause nausea.
And that might explain the link to exercise: these tiny glands make adrenaline and other hormones needed at times of physical stress.
Around each inflorescence grows a distinctive array of club-shaped fruits covered in tiny glands on stalks.
The tiny digestive glands are overarched and number 1500 to 2000 per square centimetre.
The oval green leaves are one or two centimeters long and are covered in tiny glands.
A tiny gland that can cause a host of problems.