She spent $900 for a tiny white gold and diamond stick pin with the intial "L," estimated value $10 to $100.
She wore a bit of lipstick, and a tiny gold cross around her neck.
It is decorated with tiny gold mirrors which are attached to the band.
Painting the tiny gold of the church doorknobs, Misty said, "Maybe."
(Solid green bar speckled tiny gold stars) is awarded for:
And she herself had worn a tiny gold cross around her neck.
Floating clover-like foliage surmounted by tiny glistening gold and white chalices.
Vera stuck another cigarette between her teeth and I watched her flick a tiny gold lighter into play before she spoke.
She was looking down, fiddling with the tiny gold rings that held it in.
For those who hold the bill up to the light, there will be tiny gold 20's glistening on the reverse side.