No words of thanks would come, but when he touched her hand, it seemed as if a tiny jolt of static electricity leaped between them.
Straight at the glowing network the little silver egg led the Enterprise, and finally, with only the tiniest jolt, right into it.
He felt a tiny jolt as the leather stretched once more, then his right boot sole struck the knife.
There was a small impact, just a tiny jolt that he barely felt, and the sound of breaking glass.
She sensed that it might take but a tiny jolt to send him back into his fantasy world.
Every move sent a tiny electric jolt through her body.
Yet as he came close to them, he felt a tiny jolt of surprise.
He jerked as tiny jolts of vitality seemed to pelt him.
A tiny jolt of memory shot through me.
When I try to touch it, tiny jolts of electricity spark out from the case.