The tiny nostrils flared briefly, as though interested in this new sensation, then the nose vanished.
He sprayed the tiny nostril carefully and got to work, his big hand manipulating the instruments with a surprising delicacy.
Then the clues come from following the tubes that blow air into the baby's tiny nostrils.
Doctor Kraus pinched the tiny nostrils closed, then breathed his own breath into the baby.
The eel has large eyes compared to its body, and a weak sense of smell because of its tiny nostrils.
The tiny nostrils flared.
This anatomy can cause tiny nostrils, long palates and a narrow trachea.
Pus and mucus had been frozen on the cat's eyelids and against its tiny nostrils.
Below the eyes were tiny nostrils centered in moist flab, and its mouth was lined with rows of pointed, vulpine teeth.
Blood jetted from the tiny nostrils as it slumped, twitching feebly, back to the gateway floor.