On the flare of the woman's skirt, just above the base, was the tiny oval.
Sisko's fingers trembled slightly when he found the tiny oval at the base of the skirt.
The visible stars, framed by the tiny ovals of plaz, tipped and were obscured by a dark obstruction.
White beans - sold as small white, navy, or pea beans - are tiny beadlike ovals, with a mildly nutty flavor that Mediterranean people dote on.
It was a tiny black oval in the gray floor, and she could see it contracting like the iris of an eye.
He lifted a tiny oval and turned it to face the class, reading from the small gummed label affixed to its back.
He came to the core of the nest, a tiny solid oval.
He looked up seeing, far away, a tiny oval of clear blue.
Up close you can see that the artist has inscribed into this pattern a dense network of tiny ovals, giving the surface a pleasingly activated texture.
He and his wife, Pauline, actually train the horses on a tiny 375-yard oval on the farm.