Even a tiny pebble made some kind of splash.
His speed increased, the planet shrinking to a tiny pebble.
A great rock sinks faster than a tiny pebble, doesn't it?
He then took out two bags, one containing hundreds of tiny white pebbles, the other black ones.
The tiny pebbles I had seen were now boulders, each the size of a station wagon.
It was real enough, though the great boulders looked like tiny pebbles from here.
He picked up a tiny pebble and swallowed it.
She held a dozen or so tiny pebbles in the palm of her hand.
It was one wrong note among billions but all the more noticeable for that, like a tiny pebble in a very large shoe.
Compared to the size of the Bolo, he was just a tiny pebble in the road.