There is a tiny little pouch in most writers' brains that works independently without permission or approval.
She pulled a tiny pouch from the depths of her blouse and tugged open the strings.
Regis hesitated for just a second, then threw the tiny pouch to the harbormaster.
A tiny black pouch covered his crotch and most of his rear end.
His pouches, tiny against his bulk, hung by their strings from scales.
Each hair on your body grows out of a tiny pouch called a follicle.
Suddenly a tiny brocade pouch struck someone lightly on the shoulder.
A tiny Wayward pouch lay beside him, and as he reached for the leather straps, his mother saw something familiar.
"I have another job for you," he said, handing over a tiny pouch of leather, folded and tied.
She drew from her breast a little leathern thong, to the end of which was fastened a tiny pouch.