This gives it a whitish sparkle as light catches millions of tiny prisms and reflects white light.
Each minute water droplet caught light from the lowering sun, tiny prisms refracting the fires of descending angels.
Mr. Gallawa and Mr. Sun make the tiny prisms by hand, using microscopes and precision grinding equipment.
In a rainbow, raindrops in the air act as tiny prisms.
Great wings were stretching out, and the light f lared off them in a rainbow of many colors, as if they were constructed of many tiny prisms.
He cringed, looking out his tiny viewing prisms, and rocked the throttle handle all the way back.
So pure, the crystal stars singing a paean of rainbows and each tiny prism was a world unto itself, rich with knowledge.
Pulverized Mirlite had gone to make most of the sand, and each grain was a tiny prism.
This veil of wispy cirrus clouds, about 20,000 feet up, is mostly ice crystals that act like tiny prisms in the sky, he said.
But those had required fairly thick transparent plastic for a grid of tiny prisms; these were simply on thin paper.