Pointer held the cylinder to his right eye, his thumb flicking the tiny projector to life.
When he touched the black diamonds, the perspiration on his hand activated a tiny projector that showed a small holo image of Serena.
First one can mount a tiny projector on a contact lens.
As his eye came even with it, a tiny holographic projector came alight.
Yumemi spends her emergency battery life replaying her pre-war memories to the protagonist using a tiny holographic projector on her ear.
They were three-dimensional images, generated by the multitude of tiny holographic projectors positioned in the walls around him.
Hawat slipped a hand beneath his tunic where he kept a tiny projector of poison darts.
They are controlled by the tiny projector in the rune key.
That wall of energy was a screen of vibrations controlled by the generator inside a tiny projector.
Like a miniature of the vaster cathedral of the cavern, this overhanging marble ceiling was fined with tiny projectors, and the smoky violet haze hung motionless.