I showed him my tiny purse.
It took her a long time to fumble the key out of her tiny purse, and even longer to unlock the door.
They carry big portfolios, tiny purses and cell phones.
While the girl paid for her taxi out of a tiny purse, John Quincy picked up her suit-case.
She dropped her tiny antique beaded purse on the hall table and set the locks.
She stood up and plucked from her waist the tiny purse.
She showed him a tiny purse hanging from her waist.
Every penny was going to be of the most vital importance to me, and I must plan things within the compass of that tiny purse.
The various nobles drew forth tiny embroidered purses from the interior of their robes.
He stood up, smiling, a gray, furry shape clutched by the nape, dangling like a tiny purse from his fingers.