The rear face of the screen was covered with a series of tiny triangular pyramids imprinted on an aluminum sheet, coated on the inside of each face with colored phosphor.
With an air of grave determination, she was building and rebuilding a score of small colored balls into a tiny pyramid.
A moment later the replica collapsed in a silent gray implosion, leaving only a tiny pyramid of powder on the seat.
In the hot stoneware casserole, the steamed rice is topped with tiny pyramids of different ingredients, which are mixed together before being eaten.
Although the set consisted of tiny pyramids, the desert imagery was never choreographically referred to again, and one could not tell if Miss Scherer wished to imply that life today is an emotional Sahara.
Feeling faintly ridiculous, she addressed the tiny green pyramid.
Quickly he built up a tiny pyramid of the kindling, then blew on the charcoal nuggets in the fire-pot, and when they glowed he crumbled a handful of dried grass on to them.
The cakes are depicted at the temple of Karnak as tiny pyramids, sometimes with rays of light radiating out.
And then there was a man firing arrows at a tortoise... And then he was walking over the desert and found a tiny pyramid, only a few inches high.