He had thin grey hair and a heavy dark suit with a tiny ribbon in the buttonhole.
He dug into his pocket and produced a small white box tied with a tiny pink ribbon.
A tiny ribbon of water sparkled with sunlight as it wound its way through the thick woods.
Regis bent, focused with motionless intensity on the tiny ribbons of moving light inside the jewel.
He still pins a tiny black ribbon on his shirt as a sign of mourning.
There was nothing below me except for some looped cables, and, far underneath them, a tiny ribbon which was either a river or a road.
The tiny ribbon visible from the hut had widened into an enormous channel of black, seemingly thick water.
To the left was the road we had ridden, a tiny ribbon of white heading into the distance.
And the worst thing about it was that before I was through with them they'd tear me to tiny ribbons.
A tiny ribbon of excitement wound itself about her shame.