The Genoa show features tiny runabouts and immense yachts like the 110-foot Revitality, sold by the Baglietto yards of Italy for about $12 million.
Citroën says it is giving buyers of its C1 city car "rewards" of £1,700 each as the tiny runabout is being reduced to £6,995.
But as they drove away in their tiny runabout their faces were full of foreboding.
The Cannes show features tiny runabouts and inflatable boats alongside immense yachts that are tantamount to floating mansions.
How were the three of them, in a tiny runabout, going to recapture a tanker that twenty crew members hadn't been able to hold?
They couldn't count on backup or help- they had only their wits and a tiny runabout.
To his relief, their tiny runabout appeared to be beneath the Borg ship's notice.
A warning blast from the Gath'thong's disruptors shook the tiny runabout.
He could envision all the separate pieces swirling around like flotsam on the steep sides of a whirlpool or like tiny runabouts tossed by the negative energy flux of the wormhole.
In the mouth of the wormhole, the tiny runabout appeared, followed by a gigantic Cardassian warship some fifty times its size.