Carefully he reread the last line of the tiny script on the note.
Initially the messages were written in tiny script and attached to a tail feather of a homer.
He found it hard to focus on the tiny script through the haze of tears that stung his eyelids.
For most of his career, Price worked each day until he had produced at least 350 words of polished prose composed in tiny, elegant script.
One of them is open to a page on which the Reformer made notes in tiny Latin script.
The letter, in tiny Greek script, appeared on two pages that had been used as the endpaper and the binding of a 17th-century book.
He turned a couple of pages covered in a tiny, dense script.
He shows me his notebook, with its tiny, chicken-scratch script.
I could see it was covered in a tiny, neat script.
Above his given name he wrote in tiny script, Your loving son.