Scientists have found that tiny snippets of RNA with two strands instead of the usual one can be used to shut off specific genes.
But next time I see a tiny snippet buried deep on page seven about a quake in Tokyo, I shall do a bit of trembling myself.
However, Vickers defended this decision stating it is only a "tiny snippet with different chords".
But Michigan, like Google, does claim to respect copyright by not showing more than tiny snippets from copyrighted texts.
The findings concern micro-RNA's, which are tiny snippets of genetic material that help dampen the activity of other genes.
It's a tiny snippet of the bottom of a 1024x768 screen.
Throughout their career Mr. Bungle also performed numerous covers in their live shows, ranging from tiny snippets to whole songs.
He would just play the tiniest snippets till he found his own voice.
I think the Government's problem is that it jumped to an incorrect conclusion based upon tiny snippets of conversation on the tapes without fully understanding their context.
They were a kind of history of Travis and Gabby's life together, described in tiny snippets.