When he had gone about three hundred paces past the tiny spring, the passage turned sharply, this time resuming its original direction.
A tiny spring, now choked with dirt, made a mud hole a few yards to one side of the building.
Now she was hoping to locate a tiny spring or movable panel.
The tiny spring in this one was getting loose and the brightly colored paper would soon begin to rip.
They stopped to drink their fill of water at a tiny spring, bubbling out of the ground.
A tiny spring fell off one end, bounced on the desk, and rolled out of sight.
The robot didn't extend even one tiny spring in my direction.
They camped then, a little distance from the track, in a grove of ancient olive trees which were fed by a tiny spring.
These resemble the ordinary variety, but contain a tiny spring in addition to a thin wire, both of which are visible inside the window.
His mother was there, sitting in the greenish shadow, on the ground beside a tiny spring.