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I am not going to make it, he thought tiredly.
There was no sense in it, thought the old man tiredly.
They moved ahead slowly, tiredly, looking for a place to rest.
What difference did it make anyway, she thought tiredly, her son had already seen them.
He turned and smiled tiredly in the light at the window.
What has just happened to you is routine,' he said tiredly.
"I need to rest for a few minutes," he said tiredly.
She looked back at me through half closed eyes and smiled tiredly.
She shook her head and walked tiredly away from them all.
"Let me see the inside of your room," he said tiredly.
Then he opened his eyes and smiled tiredly at me.
We are the last of the Maze people, she thought tiredly.
Someday, she thought tiredly, I must learn to go forward of my own free will.
She opened one eye to look at him, and smiled tiredly.
He shook his head tiredly, like a man in a dream.
Besides, he thought tiredly, what does it all add up to?
Which could mean, Jack tiredly thought, that they knew about the guns.
He raised his head from the window and smiled tiredly at me.
Her eyes rolled at him tiredly and he thought she was trying to smile.
St John gave them the letter to read, and then they all looked at each other, smiling rather tiredly.
He sank down tiredly in the one little chair near the bed.
He closed his eyes, then opened them again and smiled tiredly.
I watched him walk tiredly out of the room and heard his feet on the stairs.
But still her eyes held feeling, awareness, and only closed tiredly at the moment she died.
Big spoke tiredly, as if to a poor student who had heard the explanation before.