In particular, patients who have suffered hypothermia have an increased survival rate, possibly because the cold protects the vital organs from the effects of tissue hypoxia.
When its concentration is elevated in red blood cells, tissue hypoxia can occur.
Another potential explanation is tissue hypoxia, which has been suggested to upregulate Fas in the kidney [ 36 37 ] .
When I saw the degree of tissue hypoxia, I was surprised we could reanimate her.
Therefore, elevated lactate is indicative of tissue hypoxia, hypoperfusion, and possible damage.
With an increased level of carbon monoxide, a person can suffer from severe tissue hypoxia while maintaining a normal pO.
"Cortical spreading depression causes and coincides with tissue hypoxia", Nat Neurosci.
More specifically, it is a hyperactivation of the sympathetic nervous system causing extreme vasoconstriction of the peripheral blood vessels, leading to tissue hypoxia.
However, this maneuver is dangerous as it can lead to death because the falling blood oxygen levels are not sensed, and tissue hypoxia can ensue.
Poisoning causes fetal tissue hypoxia by decreasing the release of maternal oxygen to the fetus.