When given orally, it is absorbed rapidly and has excellent tissue penetration.
The electrons, due to their high mean energy (190 keV, with typical beta-decay spectra present) have a tissue penetration of 0.6 to 2 mm.
The mechanisms involved with increased host resistance and potassium include a decreased cell permeability and decreased susceptibility to tissue penetration.
Seed implants are relatively low-energy sources, and subsequently have limited tissue penetration.
All applications of laser thermotherapy occur within a range of wavelengths, called 'therapeutic window', in which the light has a good tissue penetration.
Other benefits include: Long term storage and good tissue penetration.
Teicoplanin has an increased half-life compared to vancomycin, as well as having better tissue penetration.
Acidosis increases the volume of distribution because of enhancement of tissue penetration of salicylates.
Two-photon excitation can be a superior alternative to confocal microscopy due to its deeper tissue penetration, efficient light detection and reduced phototoxicity.
Common advantages over antibodies are better solubility, tissue penetration, stability towards heat and enzymes, and comparatively low production costs.