As a result, women can end up having vaginal tissue removed to treat a cancer that is not even present.
But our professors, virtually all men, made disparaging remarks about the quality of the work, and held dogmatically to a thesis that the more tissue removed, the better the outcome.
Furthermore, most tissues (with the notable exception of liver and kidneys) cannot remove the phosphate added by hexokinase.
Archaeologists found in excavated mummies skin and all soft tissues and organs, including the brain, removed from the corpse.
The shell will need to be cleaned daily, and dead tissue removed.
If we did, the tissues removed would be available at our discretion.
The tissues removed may include:
The more meniscal tissue removed, the higher the likelihood of subsequently developing arthritis.
The lymph nodes and tissues maybe removed if the cancer has started to spread.
The way it was explained to me was, the tissue removed was like getting an in-grown toenail removed.