It was the first building to feature an exterior clad with titanium panels in the United States.
The rotunda, rising 138 feet above street level, is wrapped with voluptuous curves of steel clad in titanium panels.
"The Krueger flap became covered with them, but it completely shielded the holes in the titanium panel."
The set (also designed by Mr. Gehry), with its titanium panels, brings to mind a gilded prison.
The titanium panels also reflect the light of the Colorado sunshine.
Brendan protested as Killa lobbed a pencil file at his titanium panel.
Mr. Gehry did not like the effect on the titanium panels.
The lift's titanium panels slid apart sooner than he had expected, revealing a short corridor shared by five black doors.
As the titanium panels slid closed again, shutting out the marginally brighter light of the corridor outside, Shumar turned to Cobaryn.
A moment later, the titanium panel slid aside, revealing two facing rows of gold lockers in a long, narrow cabin.