The title for the album originated as a means to describe the band's return to their roots and beginning anew.
The title originates in the Egyptian term pr ˤ3, literally "great house", describing the royal palace.
The song's title originates from Hayne's nickname, given by his father.
However, it is likely that the title did not originate with Liszt.
The title originates from the Latin phrase, "vice versa", meaning "the other way around".
The song's title originates from Ritter's view of the song, as the band's perfect, simple work of art.
The album's title originated from the news ticker on the bottom of a TV screen that the group saw when in a hotel bar.
The first title originated as a Roast Beef expression on merchandise.
The title of Rouvas' first greatest hits album in 1999 originated from this song.
These titles all originated from the ancient word Rajanya.