In "Rumors of Earth," the title work from his fourth volume, he describes the effect of reports that the home world is about to intervene.
Crawford's expertise was estate management and title work, important to an area of considerable petroleum drilling.
The title work, "Digits" (2005), is a superb example of the process.
In between, he had a law practice, doing title work on claims in the Virginia Military District.
The title work, a dramatic poem, was staged at the Empire Theatre in 1908.
The title work, composed in 1931 for narrator, chamber choir, piano and percussion is a shocker.
The title work in this show encapsulates these feelings perfectly.
Julie Rosato enjoyed the plotting of the title work in the anthology.
The title work, "The Aleph", describes a point in space that contains all other spaces at once.
A small set of images and themes is repeated throughout, many of them in the show's 12-foot-long title work.