Wilmore originated the titular phrase I'd Rather We Got Casinos in a January 2007 Daily Show appearance.
Chris Willman of Reuters criticized the lyrics, commenting that "Never mind how tired that tune's titular phrase is.
After an unwitting cuckold is accidentally informed of his wife's infidelities, he plans an opportunistic revenge; the titular phrase, de mortuis, implies the murderous ending of the story.
The titular phrase is now most commonly associated with inclusive holiday greetings for the period around Christmas and the New Year.
When Ms. Wilson sings that titular phrase, it sounds less like an invitation and more like a melancholy acknowledgment of the inevitable.
In "Leather So Soft," Lil Wayne rhymes about his car's upholstery, moaning that titular phrase as if someone's dying.
The titular phrase, which refers to declining interest in a monogamous relationship after seven years of marriage, has been used by psychologists.
For most of the track, the titular phrase is sung with an interval of approximately four seconds, or more accurately two 4/4 bars, the length of the guitar riff.
The titular phrase memorably appeared in the third season episode Jose Chung's From Outer Space often considered one of the series' best episodes.
By now, you can probably guess how the members sing the titular phrase: "Let's da, a-a-aa, a-aa, a-aa, ance."