Prayer was the answer to the world's ills.
Voucher programs currently cover only 0.1 percent of students, so school choice is an untried solution to education's ills.
The bankruptcy filing gives United more time to look for cures to its ills.
It may seem strange that one of the world's financial capitals should look to a small mountain town for answers to its own urban ills.
Isn't it high time we directed our attention to the world's real ills and stopped policing people's fantasy lives?
Solidarity leaders stressed that the antidote to Poland's ills must be both political and economic.
Keeping perfectly still seemed to be the best remedy to all his ills.
This a refreshing contrast to the Bush administration's addiction to war as the answer to the world's ills.
In 1983 it unveiled a program that provided a more coherent and long-term approach to the country's economic ills.
And the ranks of the unemployed are increasing, adding further to the state's social ills.