In his budget for last year, he projected $16 million from the settlement of the national tobacco lawsuit.
There is a big tobacco lawsuit going on in Washington State.
The report expressly says that no funds are provided for expert witnesses in any tobacco lawsuit.
The agreement would give the companies immunity from most tobacco lawsuits.
At the time, Spitzer was referring primarily to the 46-state tobacco lawsuit, which had resulted in a $200-billion-plus settlement with the industry in 1998.
In recent weeks Wilner has filed nearly 250 tobacco lawsuits in Florida.
The results can sometimes be stunningly large, as in some tobacco lawsuits, but on less well-publicized occasions may be close to nothing.
But they said the same thing about tobacco lawsuits 10 years ago.
The individual compensatory amounts were the highest ever awarded to smokers in a tobacco lawsuit.
The program, completed in spring 1994, apparently fell victim to the tobacco lawsuit and never aired.