He was a tobacco planter and as such came to the area of the Normans Kill for that purpose.
It was the home of John Welsh, a gentleman and tobacco planter.
There she married a tobacco planter and was later celebrated as a princess.
She was baptized in captivity, as Rebecca, and married to the tobacco planter.
George's father Augustine was a slave-owning tobacco planter who later tried his hand in iron-mining ventures.
Lee's father, a tobacco planter, suffered severe financial reverses from failed investments.
He was a successful tobacco planter and land speculator who owned more than 16,000 acres.
The tobacco planters of Virginia enjoyed a golden age between 1734 and 1756.
Rolfe was a widower and a successful tobacco planter.
The Bolling family, prominent tobacco planters and traders, also lived in the area from the early 18th century.