Of every 3,000 children who begin smoking each day, 1,000 will die a tobacco-related death.
The number of Chinese smokers is growing by three million a year, despite an estimated 1.3 million tobacco-related deaths annually.
WHO said annual tobacco-related deaths worldwide stood at about three million.
This initiative aims to prevent more than 100 million tobacco-related deaths worldwide by promoting tobacco control in developing countries.
She says the president "wants to make tobacco-related death and disease part of the nation's past and not our future."
The worldwide reported total of tobacco-related deaths is 2.5 million annually, according to the organization.
Cigarette industry officials dispute the figures on tobacco-related deaths and say the industry is being singled out.
Apparently, some 150,000 tobacco-related deaths occur each year, which gives us approximately one death every 35 minutes.
There are some 548, 000 tobacco-related deaths per annum in Europe.
The result is 548 000 tobacco-related deaths per year including 654 in Luxembourg.