Although many toddlers and preschoolers love nothing more than to curl up in the arms of their parents, a few do not.
Beginning and ending with "Train on the track, clickety clack," the book strings together easy rhymes that toddlers will love to hear over and over.
Toddler joins in too Most toddlers love to be close to you and to be involved in everything you do.
My own toddler loves Barney, and I like him, too.
Babies and toddlers love the unusually high vantage point and being close to mom and dad--and parents (most of the time) love having their little ones chattering in their ears.
Buy 18 months most toddlers love sorting things out.
Babies and toddlers love getting messy, and playing with sand or splashing in water outside in the sum must come close to their idea of heaven.
My toddler certainly loved making Grant's stripy fruit-juice lollies in old yogurt pots.
My husband gravitates to the Assyrian lion- hunt frieze; the eight-year-old predictably heads for the mummified cat; the toddler loves running around the Great Court shouting and pretending to be a bear.