Adele died of tuberculosis in 1873, leaving behind her husband and toddler son.
Their brother Man lives there now, with his toddler son and girlfriend.
They lived on the boat for approximately 5 years until the living situation became a safety issue for their toddler son.
Cressida remembers thinking that her toddler son was too young to die.
Their 21-year-old daughter and her toddler son live with them.
He'd turn around in a store, and his toddler son would be racing off.
Rosemary and her toddler son, Jack, move back to live with her family.
I lived in Israel during the first gulf war and had to put gas masks on my toddler sons many times.
A father holds up his toddler son to afford him a better view.
Our daughter, who also comes from the city, planned to stay overnight with her husband and toddler son.