The 1816 weight/value ratio and size system survived the debasement of silver in 1920, and the adoption of token coins of cupro-nickel in 1947.
The coinage reflected the unsettled times, with small and token coins predominating.
Automated fare collection system tickets were introduced on ferry services provided by State Transit between 1988 and 1989, replacing a system of token coins and turnstiles.
Exonumia is the study of coin-like objects such as token coins and medals, and other items used in place of legal currency or for commemoration.
Some companies still issue scrip notes and token coin, good for use at company points of sale.
Civil War tokens are token coins that were privately minted and distributed in the United States between 1861 and 1864.
It is used chiefly for making coins, medals, and token coins.
After purchasing "medallions" (token coins), the player may play up to five medallions in a machine for each pull.
The hobby of collecting elongated coins (token coins) has expanded throughout the United States and the world.
Unless the ratio of metals is very different here, this latter must be a token coin, and therefore legal tender for but a small amount.