Opposition leaders maintain that a token presence of critics would do little to restructure what they view as an incompetent administration.
He was a success story in the white art world but also a token presence.
To day it maintains a token presence in various areas of the country, but is strong only in Bolívar state.
But the organization was forced to withdraw its token presence from Sarajevo earlier this month as a result of the intense fighting there.
Every now and then, they (Maoists) indulge in high-profile attacks but that is just to show their token presence".
While a token presence at the encampment continued for a few years, the activity declined each year.
The same happened in 1980 in Ecuador, although a token presence remained.
The general is the highest-ranking officer ever captured during the 30-year insurgency, which has dwindled in recent years to a token presence.
But some analysts said even a token Muslim presence might be welcome as sign of support for the interim government.
Not only that, but they would not have to contribute a token presence once a month.