This gives more power to the local organizations, which in the past had only token representation in the campaigns.
Staff and parents/carers are entitled to no more than token representation (if that) on the Academy's governing-body.
The group's mem-bership was now industry-dominated, without even token representation by a consumer organization.
"A small, token Russian representation might not be a bad thing," said Defense.
Taken as a group, the four men looked like the token representation on a stage of some defeated army.
The token political representation of nonwhites was all but eliminated and opposition groups were severely repressed.
This symbol may depict the measuring tools of a builder or architect or a token representation of these tools.
But the early 70's, when the band was led by Bob Welch, are given only token representation.
The propositional attitudes of the mind are token mental representations with semantic properties.
"You have to have more than a token representation," Mr. Bremer said.